How To Get The Best Michigan Credit Card Processing

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Many credit card companies are in deep trouble due to non recovery of credit card debts. This recession period has made it difficult for the consumers to pay back their card debt. Credit cards are the type of unsecured debts which are always expansive. It is a strange repayment structure, in which the consumer is innocent and pays regularly for nothing.

Credit card companies are taking advantage of this innocence, and charge high rate of markup and charges.This behavior of the companies is forcing people not to pay back against card debts. But this is not a legal way, to stop paying without any reason. The card companies are experts in recovery as well. The credit card companies often sale the bad debt to recovery agencies.

How to Fight Credit Card

Companies and Eliminate Debt

by 50%

The recovery agencies are also putting pressure on consumers for their profit. The profit of recovery agencies depends on the recovery of debts.The debt settlement programs are the solution for massive debts, and a way to fight back against card companies. It is now possible to get a reduction on your outstanding amount. The debt settlement program is basically a process of negotiation with your credit card company, in order to pay them back a reduced amount.

The debt elimination by 50% is now possible. In previous years, bankruptcy caused a heavy loss to big financial institutions and card companies.The people had no option except selecting bankruptcy. Even now, those people who are in massive debts and do not have any information about debt settlement programs, are thinking about bankruptcy.

A Prepaid Debit Card to Manage Your Money

Bankruptcy is a total loss for every financial institution and credit card company.To prevent this loss, the big banks and card companies have decided to accept settlement deals.By going through debt settlement programs, your credit card company will easily accept your offer of paying back a reduced amount.

But one thing is more important here, you must get the help of debt settlement firms if you want better negotiation. The process of negotiation in which you will get reductions is not as easy, so it is advisable to hire some expert for negotiation.
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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A brief Introduction to Credit Card Payment Processing Credit Card Payment Processing is nothing but the processing of the credit card payment involving verification of card and the consequent acceptance or rejection of the purchase made through that card. This process could be online or off line. The online ones are known as Online Credit Card Processing or E-commerce Credit Card Processing.

Methods of Credit Card Processing One way of doing credit card payment processing is through merchant accounts. This merchant account facilitates the merchant in accepting payments made by the customers through credit cards. This process involves opening of a merchant account by the business owner through a Merchant Service Provider (MSP) or a Merchant Bank.

This account is a payable account involving interchange fees (a percentage or per item charge)authorization fees, monthly minimum fees, state fees, charge back fees and batch fees.This facility can be availed by the customers by two methods and they are:

1. Offline credit card payment processing involves telephone line, cellular service and wireless.

2. Online credit card payment processing is fast and secured. The verification of the credit cards are instantaneous and the consequent acceptance or denial becomes fast. This process is known as Real Time Credit Card Processing which gives mileage to the merchants in closing the deals fast.

Credit card is swiped by a merchant in his terminal and the informations in the card are passed to the main processing unit for verification in order to charge the card. This transformation of payment information either takes place through telephone lines, or cellular services, or wireless or Internet.

E-commerce ASP Service is another form of payment verification which now-a-days are located in almost all business points. It is same as the Point-of Sale terminal. Application Service Provider or ASP is a typical and advanced computer based business which provides network-based services to the customers. This form of Credit Card Payment Processing is known as Payment Gate.

It is a third party service where verification, acceptance or declination of any credit card takes place online.

It is also known as IP payment gateway. The entire process is done on an online real time basis . Sensitive informations are encrypted (for example, credit card number) in the terminal. This provides a secure information passage between customers and merchants. Payment gateway helps in secured, secret and quick transferring of informations between payment portal (website) and acquiring bank or company.

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